Monday, April 13, 2015

Can you see what your looking at?

This week, Kathy and I are enjoying sunshine and 65 degrees in the San Francisco Bay area. Six hours with a book on tape and we were suddenly here! We are looking forward to spendingii time with Kathy's family. One of our missions while visiting Kathy's parents, is to get their Kindle Fire usable again. Today's goal was to learn more about the Kindle operating system.

Syd has some Macular Degeneration going on and the Kindle can be a real tool to improve his access to reading material and communication with family. 

Prior to our afternoon chores, we enjoyed lunch out with Curtis, Philip, and Nicole. Curtis suggested a nice Asian lunch spot very close to Casa Sandoval where Syd and Marguerite live. We tried out a new portable wheel chair with Nicole that worked quite well. Easy to breakdown and load. 

While Syd, Phillip, and Kathy were taking care of a doctor's appointment, Nicole and I visited with Marguerite and worked on the Kindle. We are scheduled to have a wireless system installed tomorrow which should complete the project.

After a little research, I learned that how information is displayed on an electronic device can help us see more clearly. For many who suffer with eyesight concerns I learned that a light letter on a dark background can make a big difference in being able to read text for those with MD. With that discovery it was very easy to configure the Kindle book reader to perform accordingly.

Sometimes in life we can look at situations and find we don't have a clue to what we are seeing. Then something happens to how the situation is displayed and we get it! Maybe it is a conversation with a friend, a quote from something you are reading or thoughtful consideration of a biblical truth. In an instant we see things clearly, without fear or anxiety. We relax in the calm of God's peace as we begin to see life from a heavenly perspective.

Now I need to find a way to configure the Kindle web browser to display with white on black. As for this blog, you are now seeing the display changes including a larger font. We are hoping Syd will be able to easily read along as we post to this blog in May when wee will be traveling to Scotland and exploring Syd's family roots.


"The best news of the Christian gospel is that the supremely glorious Creator of the universe has acted in Jesus Christ's death and resurrection to remove every obstacle between us and himself so that we may find everlasting Joy in Seeing and Savoring His infinite beauty." - John Piper 

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