Sunday, November 27, 2011

Visits to a Local Family in Freetown and Thanksgiving

On Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, we worked all day. Alyssa had an invitation from Titus, a Day Worker from A Ward, to go to have African food. Titus is from Liberia and worked as a translator on the ward. So we took two poda podas and walked a bit to the neighborhood where he lived. Every transportation takes forever as there is so much traffic in Freetown. We get to the restaurant and find that they are out of food! So we go to plan B and find another restaurant. Their African dish of the night is Potato Leaves. Which means it is a sauce made with potato leaves, spices and chicken and you eat it over rice. Everything here is pretty spicy!

Friday was a big day as the ship said Thank You to the Day Workers. Here is a picture of our crew on the dock. Tim is behind the unseen.

We left the ship at around 4 pm and traveled with one of Alyssa's best friends among the day workers. She led us to the home of a family that Alyssa has visited several times as a former patient lives there. It is amazing that so many people live in one small house. Elizabeth is the head of this household that includes 13 children. Some are her grandchildren and some are just neighbors or children that need a home.

All the cooking is done outdoors as is the washing of clothes with soap and a washboard. The children are being bathed outside also. There is no running water, so it is hauled from some local source for everything. There is also no electricity to most of these homes. We sat outside on their porch by the light of a battery powered LED light and the lights from their cellphones. The children are all so sweet and fascinate
d by us white people. Some
of the older ones played music on their cellphone and the little ones danced!

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